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Sara Hanks
Jun 2, 20213 min read
Creating a Project Charter
I am a big fan of Agile methodology, but I use tools from waterfall project management with the methodology, such as project charters. It...

Sara Hanks
May 13, 20213 min read
Creative Corrective Actions
Whether issued by an auditor or a customer, responding to a corrective action is often a chore. Even those who embrace continuous...

Sara Hanks
Apr 14, 20213 min read
Discover 8 Wastes Hiding in PPAPs or FAIs
Seeing waste in the manufacturing process can be as simple as observing the process. Spaghetti diagrams and value stream mapping help...

Sara Hanks
Apr 5, 20212 min read
The Winner Is? Data
I am often criticized for wanting to solve problems with software or IT solutions. I jump too quickly to "there's an app for that" for...

Sara Hanks
Mar 15, 20212 min read
"Getting A Lift With Poka-Yoke"
I had a conversation recently with a colleague about process accountability. We discussed a process that involves doing research to...

Sara Hanks
Mar 8, 20212 min read
"Melted Snow Flushed My Toilet"
The recent storm in Texas left millions without power and water, for nearly a week. "I had to melt snow in my bathtub to have water to...

Sara Hanks
Feb 16, 20212 min read
How to reduce accumulated nonconforming material
Defects happen. Usually, the part gets tagged and set aside to deal with later. Eventually there is a pile of parts, covered in dust,...
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